Julia Cinnamon, ’15, is a “Jersey Girl” who grew up in the
bay area of Calif ornia but has returned to the Garden State
to attend Rutgers
University . Julia is
deeply committed to social issues and has great respect f or
the tapestry of diversity represented
by the Rutgers student body. Julia, whose birthmother and f ather are Jewish, is no stranger to diversity as
her stepmother is Vietnamese who combines between being Buddhist and Roman Catholic.
Julia Cinnamon leading a RHCIE program |
Julia was active with her local BBYO in Calif ornia and visited Israel with the
group during the summer between her junior and senior year of high school. Julia speaks with pride about her
Jewish identity, her strong connection to the Jewish people and her love of Israel . She dreams of
making the world a better place, and she views politics as a tool to implement
her vision about education, the environment, equality and Israel . Israel provides
the opportunity to satisf y her
multiple interests, pointing to Israeli-created technology and its positive
impacts on the environment.
Although conceding that politics have a less than stellar reputation
today, Julia believes she personally can
improve that image and anyone who knows has no doubt. Julia’s self conf idence
and respect f or multiple points of view and her ability to “connect” with others
serve her well in her Israel Advocacy ef f orts.
This past summer Julia attended the American Israel Public Af f airs
Committee’s Saban Leadership Seminar. Saban inspired Julia to become active in
the ef f orts
of the American-Israeli Alliance at Rutgers . She f irmly believes a strong America
is important to Israel ’s
prosperity and vice versa and underscores the importance of the values, such as f reedom
of speech, shared mutually by the
Israeli and American people.
Though only a f reshman,
Julia’s impact is already being f elt
on the Rutgers campus. Julia was a leader in establishing the
Rutgers Israel Public Af f airs Committee (RIPAC), an organization whose goal
is to promote bi-partisan support of
the American-Israeli alliance at Rutgers
University . RIPAC has a
cadre of devoted leaders who share
her mission commitment. One can only imagine the positive ef f ect
this young leader will have on the Rutgers
community over the next three years.
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