Friday, February 3, 2012

Rutgers Israel Public Affairs Committee Met Nevada Congresswoman Shelley Berkley

On Monday January 30, 2012, Rutgers Israel Public Affairs Committee (RIPAC) members attended an AIPAC cocktail party along with AIPAC supporters and Nevada Congresswoman Shelley Berkley.  Congresswoman Berkeley presented her argument for why the America-Israel relationship is crucial to not only Jews, but to Americans in general. She decided to go into a career of public service to protect Jews from the horrible events and discrimination they have suffered throughout history. Throughout her entire political career, she has dedicated herself to furthering a pro-Israel legislation and opinion. Her determination and adamant commitment to Israel is inspiring. It’s crucial to have pro-Israel representation in our government in order to insure a future mutual cooperation between Israel and American. Both the government and public need to made aware of the mutual values and similarities between America and Israel.

RIPAC members with  Congresswoman Shelley Berkley   
            Attending this event exposed me to prominent AIPAC supporters and activists. These professionals dedicate their time to ensuring the Israel’s future. It’s a relief to know that there are Americans from all over the country who dedicate their time and careers to Israel. Additionally, being part of the pro-Israel community on campus is a supportive environment committed to combat anti-Israel myths, and to inspire new allies for Israel. As students, we have a platform on campus to express why Israel is important for us as Jews, Americans, and citizens of the world. We’re the next leaders of America, and it’s our responsibility to defend Israel and ensure it’s future. I’m proud of be involved with RIPAC, and to gather support for the State of Israel. 

(Written by Allie Reiter 13')

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